Come and join me in as I explore using technology to teach, learn, and lead!
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I have really gotten in to using Adobe Illustrator this year! The power of vector images is amazing! Below are some of my reading workshop and writing workshop posters I have made just this year. Feel free to use and redistribute. Happy creating!
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Check out our video project to review the steps of the scientific method:
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Freeplay Music: Search Production Music Library
Podsafe Audio - Podcast Music for the Revolution
Learning in Hand: - iPods in Education
Free teleprompter/autocue service. Cueprompter - The online prompter.
Share your voice\nand make the world\na more interesting place!
Record by phone with
Podcast Generator - Open Source Podcast Publishing Solution
Create text-to-speech podcast from RSS feed with Odiogo for iPod, MP3 player and mobile phone
Record by phone with
podOmatic - Create, Find, Share Podcasts!Relevant Research is a Slam Dunk Using MS PowerPoint - NECC Ning
Dangerously Irrelevant: NECC - Resources for those of you who missed the circus
It's time to turn technology loose in the classroom -
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Cover It live Games & Simulation Planning- Bernie Dodge and others
Do So Much with an iPod Touch » Moving at the Speed of Creativity
tags: necc09, creativity, ipod, iTouch, iPod Touch
Greenbush Labs Blog » Blog Archive » The Future of Computing in the Classroom
authorSTREAM Online PowerPoint Presentations and Slideshow Sharing
tags: necc09, powerpoint, slideshare, publishing, web2.0, presentation, share, presentations, collaboration
National School Boards Association Research and Guidelines on Online Social Networking —
tags: resources, education, technology, lucie, Web2.0, blog, necc, necc09
tags: web2.0, wiki, necc09, wikis, tools, wikispaces, powerboostnecc09, podcasts
Flat World Schools SWOT: NECC09 Library, Reference, and Open Source
tags: boundaries, iphone, ipod, necc09
ieducation - Awesome App Vendor
tags: ieducation, iphone, ipod, necc09
Learning in Hand: - iPods in Education
tags: ipod, teaching, technology, podcasting, ipods, education, web2.0, edtech, necc09
Google For Educators - Web Search
tags: google, search, research, lessons, educators, resources, web, necc09
tags: reference, ebooks, python, programming, java, tutorial, project, books, necc09
TeachersFirst: OK2Ask-- Free Online Professional Development for Teachers
ToonDoo - The Cartoon Strip Creator - Create, Publish, Share, Discuss!
tags: comics, software, web2.0, cartoon, animation, toondoo, creativity, comic, necc09
tags: web2.0, collaboration, annotation, firefox, tools, bookmarking, socialsoftware, social, necc09
Mixbook | Education Program - Free Digital Storytelling Software for Educators
tags: digitalstorytelling, education, books, web2.0, publishing, mixbook, tools, tool, necc09
Free teleprompter/autocue service. Cueprompter - The online prompter.
tags: teleprompter, software, presentation, tools, podcasting, audio, media, reading, necc09
necclibrarytoolssmackdown - Digital Storytelling
tags: necclibrarytoolssmackdown, digitalstorytelling, necc09, wiki
tags: prezi, prezi.com_117545, 117545, necc09, web2.0, teach42
Are you ready to play five card flickr?
tags: flickr, digitalstorytelling, writing, web2.0, visual, ideas, digital_storytelling, mashup, necc09
Add-Art | replacing ads with art
tags: browser, firefox, extension, arte, addons, firefox-extensions, adblock, advertising, necc09
tags: search, people tracking, people, searchengine, web2.0, social, tools, reference, necc09
FotoFlexer - The world's most advanced online photo editor
tags: photos, editor, tools, photography, web2.0, image, photoeditor, flickr, necc09
Digital Directions: Digital Directions: Trends and Advice for K-12 Technology Leaders
tags: necc09, education, k-12, technology, magazine, digital, leadership, edtech, integration
Smithsonian Education - Lesson Plans
tags: education, lessonplans, lesson, history, smithsonian, necc09
tags: whiteboard, collaboration, WEB2.0, tools, creativity, cubed, design, necc09 | Draw, Animate, and Collaborate
tags: animation, doink, web2.0, comics, tools, animate, collaboration,, necc09
dembo20 - ShareTabs - The easy way to share your links as tabs - Create Music Beats - The online music factory - Jam, remix, chords, loops
tags: music, audio, tools, generator, web2.0, loops, guitar, creativity, necc09
topfreetools - ShareTabs - The easy way to share your links as tabs Create interactive flash tools / games for education
tags: Games,, interactive, flash, tools, education, resources, classtools, necc09
tags: flash, web2.0, tools, editor, multimedia, video_editing, editing, jaycut, necc09
edubloggercon - EduBloggerCon 2009
tags: edubloggercon, necc09, necc, edublogger, necc2009, web2.0
I came across a great article recently entitled: “HOT Blogging: A Framework for Blogging to Promote Higher Order Thinking”, which was published in the May 2009 issue of The Reading Teacher. This article gave a great instructional framework for effectively using blogging with students to promote critical thinking skills (what we all want to do!).
Zawilinski does a fine job of providing an easy to follow framework to show how blogging truly can involve critical thinking skills! This startegy is the HOT framework and is used to develop "higher order thinking skills around new literacies.”
The HOT strategy involves the following steps:
The article also gave super insights for beginning bloggers, and would be a great resource for teachers who are not sold on the value of blogging.
The purpose of this article is to explore ways in which blogs can support literacy programs, especially to develop higher order thinking (HOT) while reading and writing. First, I will provide an introduction to and a theoretical rationale for blogging. Next, resources and ideas will be shared to help spark possibilities for blogging in an intermediate-grade classroom. Four common types of educational blogs will be presented. Finally, HOT blogging, an instructional framework that uses a blog to develop higher order thinking, will be described. - Zawilinski, Lisa. Reading Teacher, May2009, Vol. 62 Issue 8, p650-661, 12p, 8 charts, 1 diagram; (AN 39232973)
Personally I want to take blogging to the next level in my classroom this upcoming academic year. I plan on using it often, in order to give students a solid platform to connect to a large audience, and to think critically on issues with that audience. Blogging truly provides students with authentic writing experiences. Check out my blog I used to communicate things to parents and students this past year…I think I will be changing it, just a bit. 2008-2009 Mr. A’s Classroom Blog. I am a firm believer in using technology to engage learners and move them into higher order thinking. Blogging can be used to do this!
Blogging for Higher Order ThinkingSome Blogging Resources:
This summer one of my goals is to start blogging more seriously. What do I mean by seriously, well until now I have published content on my blog that is mostly related to new resources I have come across. i realize that this niche is well covered. I intend to start to share more of my voice, more of my opinions and insights on the world of technology, teaching, learning and leading.
What makes me qualified to do such a thing? Not much I guess. Here are some basic facts:
So be prepared for some new thoughts and ideas from me being added to the blogosphere, and please subscribe to my feed. I will look to publish a fresh new post in a few weeks.
Want to play a Youtube video minus the inappropriate adds that surround the video? Try This fantastic service allows you to place a bookmarklet in your browser’s toolbar that will subtract those ads when you open up the video on Youtube then click the bookmarklet. Follow these steps to ad freedom today:
After Quiettube:
Are you using Google Docs yet? This is a great free service with some awesome features. Here are three new guides to using Google docs: spreadsheets, presentations, and documents.
Human Footprint - Watch the Documentary Film for Free - SnagFilms
Infinite Photograph -- As Seen On Earth -- The Green Guide
Forces of Nature--Science, Maps, Photos, Video (National Geographic)
UNEP: Atlas of Our Changing Environment
RMI's Oil Imports Map - RMI MOVE
Morphie's Great Water Ride Adventure
Interactive - National Geographic Magazine
Trees for the Future > Welcome
Emerald Island™ - A place where we can grow!
CO2 emissions, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time
Wordle is a sweet word and wiring visualizing tool. has the ability to analyze the most frequent words used in a text (can be pasted in, weblinked, or typed in) and then creates a visual representation of those. Here is a slideshow, I came across while reading Mike Fisher’s blog; in it uses for Wordle in the classroom are shared.
Thanks so much for coming yesterday! I know I threw a lot at you, but my hope is that you found a few tools you feel like you could use in the classroom with students. I would be happy to help get you started in using any of the tools you think would help you better engage students in authentic literacy experiences. Maybe even try giving Etherpad and Glogster a try before you start. Find tutorials and more on the Wiki, just click the pic below!
You can check out our Etherpads from today here:
POWER POINT (Links Included)
The question was asked, what do we do to get students signed up for some of these tools that require logins, and have control over it? Check this blog post out on how to do this. I have used this trick many times!
Please contact me if you would like assistance getting started or if you have any questions!
tags: history, geography, maps, education, quiz, social_studies, socialstudies, Social
Play Geography Games and Learn About the World -- National Geographic Kids
Maps of War ::: Visual History of War, Religion, and Government
Sheppard Software - educational games and activities for kids of all ages.
Up2Maps - Create & Share thematic maps of any country in the world - Connecting Wikipedia articles with their locations
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